Our History

  • Our MISSIONwhat we believe in:
    to grow corporate value through a technological restructuring process. 
Vertigo Consulting was founded
The origin
Vertigo Consulting was founded in 2009 as a computer consulting firm establishing itself as a leading partner for Microsoft, VMware, WatchGuard and HPE solutions, quickly achieving the highest certification levels recognized by their respective partners. Vertigo covers all Europe using direct Partners.
Cloud Solutions
Investments & technology

Vertigo engineers Cloud solutions. It designs and implements a proprietary IT infrastructure at the Milan Caldera Datacenter and continues its expansion activity over the next 4 years. Thanks to this investment, Vertigo achieves the goal of providing customers with Cloud services with different levels of performance. For Fitch Ratings the first networking restructuring project for the new Italian headquarters is implemented and completed.

New start-up
International Disaster Recovery

Vertigo creates an innovative start-up company with another partner, Revolve Studio Srl, offering a proprietary backup software for virtual and physical environments. This software is adopted by many national and international companies, proving to be a viable alternative to other branded and benchmark tools. The first major multinational Disaster Recovery project, provided to Rottapharm Spa and highlighted by media in a Data Manager article (September 2014), is also completed and delivered.

New Offices
Business Center Colleoni

Vertigo moves to the new offices in the Colleoni Management Centre of Agrate Brianza (MB) in order to meet the growing demand for office space, already adopting a smart-working policy for specific business areas. The unified communication project for Fidim Holding Srl group is finally completed.

New Cloud Services
New range of services

Vertigo sells Revolve Studio Srl's share package in order to focus on engineering a new cloud service offering increasingly focusing on innovation and market trends.

New Image
New logo & web site

Vertigo changes its image with new graphics and a new dedicated cloud services site. Office 365 migration project for multinational pharmaceutical company Mylan is delivered.

Vertigo Suisse Sagl
Vertigo in Swiss

Vertigo is increasingly gaining leadership in technology services and outsourcing projects consulting: for this purpose Vertigo Suisse Sagl is set up in order to mark the established skills even outside the national borders. Bastogi Spa relies on Vertigo Consulting for Mediolanum Forum infrastructure cloud migration project.


The cloud infrastructure/smart office service of Vertigo has allowed its customers to manage business processes continuously during the acute period of the covid-19 pandemic.

Investments and Organization
Investments and Organization

Vertigo invests in the Organization, in new technologies and new management flows for the realization of Strategic Business Plan 2026 (Target 10M€ of Turnover).  

ISO 9001
Vertigo certified ISO 9001:2015

TÜV Rheinland Italia Srl certifies

Field of application: Analysis and Consulting (System Integrator) for the integration of customized IT infrastructures. 

15 years of innovation
Vertigo migrates its cloud services to Aruba

The entrepreneurial and innovative vision of the founding members Alessandro BerettaSalvatore Calcerano and Luciano Sciortino motivated our organization to make a further and important investment to make its infrastructure even better CLOUD, migrating its services Hybrid & Private CLOUD at DC ARUBA of Ponte San Pietro.

This process was accompanied by the renewal of technology Server/Switch with the support of HPE.

 Our goal is to provide a high level of technological performance and even greater safety to our customers; For VERTIGO the Customer is always at the center!

Who we are &
how we work

  • Our VISION: we are System Integrator, are Consultants: we start fromlistening to the customer to propose the most congenial solution to specific needs.


    The customer guides the choice Vendor: we rely on the most reliable and well-known brands, we have our preferences to recommend, but we are totally independent and prepared to accept your preferences / policies.


    Our projects always aim at maximum scalability, data security, no downtime as well as continuous updating to avoid obsolescence.



Vertigo Team

  • VERTIGO considers people, with their passions, ambitions and skills, the fundamental resource of being a VERTIGO company. They represent the values and successes of Vertigo, which daily undertakes to support them in their path of continuous growth. Through these values, VERTIGO has implemented a Welfare project based on THREE pillars: • Reimbursements • Welfare and Assistance • Benefits

Environment and Social Responsibility

  • VERTIGO is actively engaged in environmental sustainability initiatives, recognizing them as an opportunity for growth, excellence and the creation of shared value. To help reduce the impact that its activities have on the local area, Vertigo:

    • Invests with its partners in innovative projects 
    • Prefers the use of renewable sources
    • Design infrastructure and services with a lower environmental impact
    • Promotes the reduction of plastic in offices
    • Promotes staff awareness activities


Quality and Innovation

  • With Commitment, Reliability and Ethics, we take responsibility for our work, accompanying our customers towards the best solutions and building relationships of mutual trust with all our interlocutors.

    The quality and innovation of our actions lead us to be recognized for our expertise.


Our goals

  • Projects and Consulting in multiple sectors: pharmaceutical, manufacturing - industrial, financial, chemical, services and trade.

    International coverage: Italy, Germany, Spain, Portugal, France, Netherlands, Switzerland.
  • More than 300 servers migrated to the Cloud.
    Revenue over 3 million euros.

Business Partner: WatchGuard 

  • For 25 years, WatchGuard has pioneered cutting-edge cybersecurity technology
    and provides solutions that are easy to deploy and manage.


    25 years of experience | 250000 Customers | over 16,000 active VARs
